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Creative Writing Workshop

The Psychology of Character: Three Frameworks for Writing a Believable, Compelling Cast 

Creative Writing Workshop
Thursday, December 8th
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Moved to the Edney Building, 1100 Market St. 5th floor

(on the corner of Market St. and 11th St  Parking is across Market St.)

Do you want to write a story with more believable, authentic characters? Are you interested in psychology and how that can apply to your writing? In this workshop, students will explore major ideas and theories of human motivation within psychology and translate it into writing their characters. 


There is a limit of 20 for this workshop

About the Event


Truly understanding ourselves is one of the most important things writers can do to enhance stories and characters with an authentic and familiar touch that readers will instantly recognize. This workshop will go over some of the basics of psychology and discuss how it both benefits and limits writers. Writers in this workshop will also learn about three major schools of thought on human motivation, tying that into how they craft characters in their stories, leaving the workshop with three methods of character creation they can use for their future writing.



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Led by Wesley A. Fulkerson


Wesley is a recent transplant to Chattanooga from Southern California.  He is the author of ten books, including the Starfall Trilogy, Writing With Purpose, and For Whom the Sun Sings. He is an award-winning screenwriter (Save My Seoul, 2017 – Jubilee Media), the former head screenwriter for Arbella Studios, and currently freelances for a number of Los Angeles based production companies. He received a degree with honors in Marketing from USC’s prestigious Marshall School of Business (2012) and presents a powerful combination of creativity and pragmatism. Having started out as a self-publisher and later disseminating his work through traditional publishing, his is the epitome of the modern writer’s journey.   

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